Backyard Bible Club

Sharing The Gospel In Every Neighborhood

We want to share the truth of Jesus Christ throughout Kingsburg! Join us on mission together through Backyard Bible Clubs this summer. Scroll down to learn more!

Our Vision

To empower people to reach their neighborhoods and friends with the gospel right in their own backyard. Personal relationships and personal invitations spark opportunities to come alongside families in their relationships with Jesus as kids enjoy games, crafts, snacks, songs, and Bible lessons in a 3-day club for 4-10 year-olds.

The Heart and Hows

Look below for more information on how to be a part of Backyard Bible Club this summer!


The Backyard Bible Club Team gives out the kits to each club in early-mid July every summer. Clubs can take place at any time in multiple ways! Each club is provided with 3 days (2 hrs each) worth of supplies and curriculum. Clubs can choose any 3 days in a row, 3 Fridays days in a row, etc. to host their club through August.

2023 Promo Video

Check out this year’s promo video to see Backyard Bible Club in action!


Curriculum Theme

Our theme this year is “Make Waves”…What you do today can change the world around you!

What's Needed In A Club?

A host home, host leader, co-host, invited kids, and prayer is needed to bring a BBC to life.

What First Baptist Provides

A 3-day curriculum, songs, memory verse, craft supplies, snacks, game materials, object lesson materials, printed parent waivers, and advertising materials.

Got Cold Feet To Join?

We know hosting a club for the first time could sound intimidating… so we have an idea for you! Whether you want to host this year or next year for the first time, we’d love to welcome you to shadow another home. This way, you can calm any nerves you have by seeing the club already coming to life. Let us know if this is something you’re interested in and we’d love to help in this way!

Some Things A Host Leader Needs To Know
  • Need to have a background check submitted (if you don’t have one on file)
  • Decide on your dates/time of day
  • Prep the host home
  • Invite kids with the flyers we give you. Neighbors? School Friends? Family? (10-15 is a nice size) 
  • We will give you a suggested schedule to help guide the children in the 3 days
Some Things A Co-Host Leader Needs To Know
  • Need to have a background check submitted (if you don’t have one on file)
  • Be prepared to lead game time, songs, or crafts
  • Be familiar with the curriculum
  • Communicate with your host about dividing up roles and be honest with what you’re willing to try out
Some Things A Student Helper Needs To Know (4th-12th)
  • Be available to do anything that your host asks you to help with
  • Student helpers can be any grade from 6th-12th grade
  • Engage with the kids (no phones)
  • If you look like you’re having fun, the kids will have fun too! We are trying to teach the kids that knowing Jesus IS fun!
Ready To Lead Or Help?

We’d love for you to join us on this backyard adventure for Jesus! Email our Kids Ministry Director Kaitlyn at by July 6th for more information about getting connected.

Is it past July 6th? Still reach out to Kaitlyn to see what you can be a part of!