
Living On Mission

Our heart and exhortation goes beyond our church's walls, we desire to be obedient to bring the Kingdom of God to earth and to make disciple-making disciples.

International Missionaries & Agencies

We value pouring into missionaries that have been called to go into the nations and the darkest of places for the light of Christ to be known. Join us in prayer and support over these brothers and sisters in Christ!

Paul & Margie Varberg: Philippines

Paul and Margie have been starting and leading ministries among the 3 million Waray people of the Philippines for 36 years now. With God’s help, they have successfully started the Tacloban Bible Community Church, the InGen campus ministry and Bethel International School.

Paul is currently leading a team that is making a formal translation of the Bible into contemporary Waray.  Two editions of the New Testament have already been published, but it will be four to five years before the Old Testament is completed.  Both Paul & Margie are leading small groups which have been successful in leading men and women to trust in Jesus.

For more information or to support, visit firstloveinternational.org.

Paul & Amber Carter: East Germany

Paul and Amber are church planters in Greifswald, East Germany.

Linda MacDonell: Reign Ministries

Reign Ministries is building and advancing the Kingdom of God by developing youth and youth leaders who have great commandment hearts and live great commission lifestyles.

For more information visit, https://www.reignministries.org/.

Naomi Haworth: Papua Hope

Naomi serves with Papua Hope Language Institute in Indonesia.  She has always had a heart for the nations, and a practical way to love and serve a community is through the gift of education.  Naomi teaches English as well as leads a discipleship group.

For more information or to support visit https://papua-hope.givingfuel.com/naomi-haworth

R&F: SouthEast Asia

R&F are serving in a dangerous area of the world for Christians.  For their safety we cannot post information.  If you would like to learn more about them please contact the church office.

Central Asia Tales: Team Expansion

This team is serving in a dangerous area of the world for Christians.  For their safety we cannot post information.  If you would like to learn more about them please contact the church office.

Students International

Students International is focused on meeting the holistic needs of people in vulnerable communities in Latin America.  Their full-time staff lead ministry sites to serve those in need year round.  Students serve on youth shorth term missions alongside SI missionaries and make a real difference in the lives of people we serve.

For more information visit https://stint.com/.

The Great Commission | Matthew 28:18-20

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Local & National Ministries

We value supporting missions and ministries that have the heart of Matthew 28. Bless them with prayer and support with us!

Community Missionary Outreach

Local Kingsburg ministry comprised of The Landing (Teen recovery), Re:generation, Life Coach/Counseling (youth/adults/marriages), Re:engage (marriages) and Merge (engaged or seriously dating).

For more information, visit https://communitymissionaryoutreach.aplos.org/


KCAPS: Kingsburg Community Assistance Programs and Services (KCAPS) is dedicated to helping the citizens of Kingsburg, London and Traver, CA.  They have Thrift Stores, a Food Bank for those experiencing food insecurity, utility & rental assistance programs as well as Counseling & Tutoring programs.

For more information or to support visit http://kcaps.net/home

Young Life: Kingsburg

Young Life is a mission devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.

Rick Alonzo Ministries

Rick Alonzo Ministries carry out the Great Commission by using an innovative multimedia approach that incorporates the arts to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide. Rick Alonzo and his daughter Faith Escobedo are uniquely equipped by God to utilize sight and sound in their ministry to reach this generation effectively.

Their outreach strategy is based on the teachings of Jesus, as outlined in the Great Commission, which instructs us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). In addition, they follow the Lord’s final words to his disciples before his Ascension, in which he promises them the power of the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

For more information visit, https://rick-alonzo-ministries.ueniweb.com/

Fellowship of Christian Athletes | Brandon Moreno
Brandon Moreno is the new Tulare County Area Representative for the global missions agency Fellowship of Christian Athletes better known as “FCA.” The vision of FCA is to​​ see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. Beginning in January Brandon will directly oversee all FCA activity in 12 schools across various towns between Kingsburg and Visalia.
For more information or to support, click here https://my.fca.org/?form=brandonchavez-moreno. 
Converge | Jeff & Barb Chapman

The Chapman’s serve as Converge missionaries to Japan.  They have helped start 3 church plants and are working on a more.  For more information or to support visit  https://www.converge.org/global-worker/jeff-barbara-chapman.